Bar and Bat Mitzvah Delegation to North America

Suitable for: Young Orphans| Otzma
Upcoming activity: 09.07.2023

What's in the program?

The age of bar and bat mitzvah is the orphans’ embarkment of the journey to adulthood. The journey is not an easy one, all the more so without the valuable presence and support of a beloved father. The IDFWO Organization aspires to be present for the orphans all the way, when there is no father to accompany his child as they set out on an intricate journey through adolescence towards adulthood and maturity.

The bar and bat mitzvah delegation lets the orphans meet members of their peer group and become part of an actual community that will accompany and support them throughout their lives. The boys and girls get to leave their comfort zone and visit a variety of different places, learn to manage being far from home, and laugh until their stomachs hurt. They get to share their loss and longing, to build up resilience, and to be embraced by the warmth and support of their dedicated councilors and the welcoming American Jewish community.

The three-week trip will take place in July during which the children will attend summer camp (just like in the movies!). They will also visit all the popular attractions in Manhattan, meet Jewish communities outside Israel, and spend meaningful, quality, and above all, an enjoyable time together.

The shared experience encourages them to be independent and reminds them that no matter how complex their journey is, they never walk alone.


How it was in previous times

Upcoming activity: 09.07.2023
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