Overseas Retreats

Suitable for: Widows| Adult Orphans

What's in the program?

Retreat for widows and orphans of the IDF and security forces – Together in Israel and around the world

The IDFWO Organization retreat takes place twice a year at different destinations around the world. The joint trip abroad takes people beyond the limits of their familiar routine and facilitates meaningful relationships with the group participants. Each year the trips occur in a varying number of rounds, some only for members, and others for adult orphans and their spouses.

Have you ever wondered what an “experience of a lifetime” means? Because after the time spent together on the trip, I understood…Because for me it was the “experience of a lifetime.” The composition of the people, of brothers and sisters with a similar life story, a crowd of remarkable people…

~Written by an adult orphan member of the organization~

Travelling with the organization is truly a lifetime experience, and we invite you to join us on our next trip.

How it was in previous times

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